Fulfillment Center Success: Fact #1 Holiday Fulfillment Crucial For Positive Customer CX

Fulfillment Center

Fulfillment Center Success: Fact #1 Holiday Fulfillment Crucial For Positive Customer CX

During the holiday season, customers want to open a fun and enticing package. Your fulfillment center should make this a priority.

Fulfillment Center


It’s a fact: if you’re going to outsource fulfillment, you want the strongest partner you can find. One that dazzles your customer at their first contact and keeps that impressive experience going until the customer’s order arrives. You need a fulfillment company that can do it all. Especially with the holidays looming on the horizon.

The details that matter most to your customers all year matter even more when the holidays roll around:

  • Speed
  • Accuracy
  • A package that looks enticing and is a joy to open

Did that third point surprise you? It shouldn’t if your fulfillment center is focused on customer experience. A beautifully-packed delivery instantly makes customers happy they ordered from you. And if that package is a gift, the recipient is even more impressed. That’s powerful branding.


How’s your customer CX?

Can your customers count on you to help them choose exactly the right product(s) and deliver a “wow” package on time? Even during the holiday rush?

Let’s face it. If there’s a problem with your customer’s order, they blame you. Even when their package isn’t delivered on time, they blame you instead of the carrier. You need a fulfillment center you can count on to protect your reputation.

Find out how – and just in time! You should be making your holiday fulfillment plans right now, to ensure things go smoothly. Our free e-book, Deliver Me!, reveals everything you need to transform your holidays into a season worth celebrating:

  • Why things go wrong
  • How to bridge the “performance gap”
  • What your 3PL partner could – and should – be doing for you
  • How to protect your brand’s reputation

Here at USA Fulfillment, our goal is to deliver flawlessly, every day of the year. So we work with clients year round to plan for holiday and other peak season fluctuations. We know there will be surprises, but not much catches us off-guard. We know that no matter what’s happening behind the scenes, every one of your customers deserves an exceptional experience. Even if they did wait till the last minute to order.


Let’s talk.

That’s always the first step we take with any prospective client. We want to learn about your company. See your facility. Meet your key people. And we’re anxious to return the favor, by giving you the Grand Tour of our USA operation. That’s because creating a fabulous customer experience starts with creating a warm, collaborative working relationship. And because we can’t give your customers that fabulous experience unless we know precisely what they (and you) expect.

The best investment you can make in customer service is partnering with the right fulfillment center. They’ll deliver Happy Holidays to all. All year long.


More Resources

For more information about how to choose the proper fulfillment house for your company, download our FREE ebook!