5 Keys to eFulfillment Success in 2017


Here’s To Successful eFulfilllment In 2017!


5 Keys to Successful eFulfillment

If your company relies on efulfillment to get products to your customers, you want everything to go right in 2017. What’s it going to take to accomplish that? Here are 5 keys that will help you unlock success this year:

You can start by scoring your eFulfillment efforts from last year.


  1. Know what you need to achieve efulfillment success.

Those details are somewhat different for each company, because you have different products and customers. And different corporate goals. Consider your plans for the coming year that will affect your efulfillment process in some way – new products or geo-markets, for instance. Use this information to evaluate your current efulfillment program, so you can see what changes need to be made.

  1. Make sure you’re working with the right fulfillment house.

To achieve success you need a partner that can meet your expectations all the time – even when sales spike virtually overnight. You can forecast most sales patterns, but what if a promotional campaign is successful beyond your wildest dreams? Or the holidays next season are even stronger than expected? You can’t afford to let customers down when they are most excited to order from you.


  1. Monitor results regularly.

Work with your fulfillment house to ensure the reports you receive include all the key performance indicators you have specified, and that reports are going to all your people who need them. They should also provide a secure portal you can use to access your fulfillment data at any time. It’s a competitive world out there, and if you don’t have the data you need at your fingertips, you don’t have the agility to make fast, effective decisions.


  1. Learn from your data.

No company is perfect, so even if your fulfillment process is functioning well, you can do better. Digging deeper into the “why” behind returns can help you improve products or make other changes. The same goes for studying customer questions and comments as they’re ordering products. Top fulfillment companies enable you to record customer care calls for this exact reason. By the end of 2017, you’ll find you’ve saved money as well as boosted sales.


  1. Learn from your fulfillment partner.

The best companies bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to your table. Their goal is your success, so they are not only willing but eager to share their insight. They can help you:

  • Improve product packaging, if yours is prone to leakage or similar problems that generate returns and customer dissatisfaction.
  • Create shipments that deliver an amazing and memorable “unboxing” experience instead of merely a box of products.
  • Use every aspect of the efulfillment process to reinforce your branding and build customer loyalty.
    Download our free book, “Deliver Me!” to learn more.


Stronger branding attracts new customers. Superior customer experience attracts more repeat sales. Together, they add up to higher customer lifetime value. We think you’d agree that can make your 2017 pretty successful.


Utilizing fulfillment services will benefit your company immediately. See how Third Party Logistics, 3PL, can streamline the process.