Choosing An eFulfillment Partner For 2017


How To Choose An eFulfillment Partner in 2017



Just about any company can provide basic fulfillment services. But choosing an eFulfillment partner is different…

Grade your current fulfillment efforts now.

Your typical eFulfillment company should be able to record customer orders, pack up your products, and send them on their way. But that’s not really “full”-fillment, because it isn’t truly full service. It’s a generic, one-size-fits-all commodity. And, frankly, that’s enough for a lot of companies. However, if your brand has highly discerning (and demanding) customers, you need an efulfillment partner who can live up to their expectations.


The right efulfillment partner can operate consistently at the top of their game. They can deliver measurable return on your investment. How do you find such a company? Here at USA Fulfillment, we believe these five value-added factors define a successful partnership:


  1. What kind of people does your potential eFulfillment partner employ?
    The best partner hires for excellence and retains employees by giving them the tools and training they need to do a great job. If they aren’t knowledgeable and fully committed to serving your customers, they might as well be robots. Ask if you can meet them, face to face.
  2. The kind of facilities they operate.
    State-of-the-art is an over-used expression, but let’s face it. In today’s uber-competitive environment, you need a fulfillment partner that can give you every efficiency edge possible when it comes to speed and accuracy. Automation helps without sacrificing the human touch. Software applications that streamline ordering, picking, and communications. Ask to visit and see for yourself.
  3. The kind of security they provide.
    Today’s environment isn’t just competitive, it can feel daunting and dangerous. You’re entrusting your efulfillment partner with your most valuable assets – your inventory and confidential information. They must be able to protect you from:* Shrinkage
    * Product damage or deterioration
    * Data theft
    * Compliance failures, if you’re responsible to meet specific industry and/or governmental regulationsAsk if they can offer these three “proofs” that your company and customers are safe with them.
  4. Their unique difference as an eFulfillment Partner.

    If you can’t tell them apart from competitors, why choose them? Ask for statistical evidence, to compare their performance ratings against industry standards and best practices. Ask about their willingness to establish metrics custom-tailored to your company and customer needs.

  5. Your level of confidence.

    Ultimately, choosing the right efulfillment partner comes down to your gut. Can you trust this company to consistently deliver a superior customer experience? You should expect no less — from first contact until each order is received and opened with a “wow!”

USA delivers as an eFulfillment Partner, five times over…

Each of the five necessities listed above is a key component of our high touch promise to every client. In that light, our General Manager, Jay Stamerro, has some advice:


“If you are looking for a fulfillment company to provide a “down and dirty,” pick-pack-slap-a-label-and-ship solution, USA Fulfillment is not the one for you. But if you are looking for a partner engaged in driving brand loyalty and increasing customer lifetime value, we need to talk.


Utilizing fulfillment services will benefit your company immediately. See how Third Party Logistics, 3PL, can streamline the process.