E-Commerce Fulfillment Pricing Guide for 2020

Order Processing Services

E-Commerce Fulfillment Pricing Guide for 2020


How do you know that you’re getting everything you want and need for the right price?

Do you even know if you’re getting your money’s worth?

It’s hard to know what you should be paying for excellent services, because not many companies even offer them. So get this: you could be paying ordinary to high rates for a fulfillment partner that does a mediocre job and falls short on promises, because that’s the industry average.

Or, you could be paying ordinary rates to have an exceptional e-commerce fulfillment partner…for life.

I mean, there’s an obvious right answer here, right?


So why do so many people get it wrong?

We sell ourselves short. We’re used to companies providing us basic, average-quality services. Businesses are used to dishing out average-quality services to customers. And businesses have gotten away with it for a long while. A pretty dull outlook on the business-customer relationship, right?

Well, things are changing. And so are the times.

So be sure you know what you deserve before choosing a new e-commerce partner in 2020. We’re here to fill you in.


Grade Your Current Partner Now!


E-commerce is the future

Online ordering has taken over. E-fulfillment has infiltrated the grocery stores, the convenience stores, the restaurants. Whether it’s ordering online for pick-up or for delivery, it’s becoming easier to never even have to step foot in a store…and still get all your shopping done.

So, you better believe that it’s vital to have all your ducks in a row when it comes to e-commerce. Read our advice and then grade your current partner…we have a feeling you might want to switch some things up.


  • Don’t lose customers over bad customer service. If your fulfillment partner hasn’t figured out how to respond kindly and effectively to customer questions and concerns, drop them. Customers deserve responsive, professional, and knowledgeable reps who know the products like the back of their hand.
  • Don’t lose customers over sloppy warehouse fulfillment. It’s easy for customers to tell whether you care or not. And chances are, if your warehouse employees throw inventory around and improperly package orders, customers will drop like flies.
  • And don’t lose customers over late deliveries. If anything, deliver them before they’re expected. That’ll really blow your customers away. There’s really nothing worse than a lost, damaged, or late package, and customers will notice your slack.


Can you check all 3 boxes?

You should be able to deny all three bullet points above. Bad customer service? Nope. Sloppy warehouse fulfillment? Nope. Late or damaged deliveries? Nope.

And that’s just the bare minimum. If your business doesn’t qualify in at least those three areas, it’s time for a change.

At USA, we’ve got a reputation of giving above-average, high-quality services. We’re known for going above and beyond. If you like the sound of that, give us a call. We’d love to get to know you and your business.



Contact Us Now To Find Out If We’re The Right Fit For You!