How Your Fulfillment Warehouse Failed You and Your Customers This Past Holiday Season

Fulfillment Warehouse

How Your Fulfillment Warehouse Failed You and Your Customers This Past Holiday Season


Fulfillment Warehouse – When Your Partner Fails You


Did you catch our recent blog about how your inbound call center failed you this past holiday season? As many mistakes as your call center agents may have made, you can’t blame all your customer service failures on them. In fact, even if your customer contact operations are solid gold, your fulfillment warehouse can still wreck any customer’s buying experience.


Disappointing customers is a sure way to miss your sales goals. Making them flat-out angry is a sure way to lose them forever, and lose their friends, too.


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How can this happen?

  • Your customer did not receive their package on time. At some other time of year, an extra day or two might at matter at all. But holiday gifts have to arrive in time for the holiday. Period. So you didn’t merely disappoint your customer, you embarrassed them. Because you failed to deliver, they had no gift to deliver. No wonder they took to social media with a vengeance.
  • The package arrived, but the order was wrong. The most important gift of all was the wrong size. Or color. Or style. Or it was missing altogether. What good is that? You delivered something, but it was nothing of value. Now you have to bear the cost of a return, from a customer unlikely to re-order a replacement.
  • The package arrived, on time, but the intended gift was damaged.
  • Regardless what was in the package, it looked a mess. Hardly the unboxing event your customer anticipated. What a let-down.


It takes a superior fulfillment warehouse to deliver superior results

State-of-the-art equipment and technology are crucial in today’s fulfillment warehouse environments. Automation can do wonders to boost the speed and accuracy of order processing. But it cannot take the place of human eyes and thoughtfulness. That’s why we take a very personal approach at USA Fulfillment. We call it high touch. For instance:

  • We check picked orders to be sure they are 100% accurate, before they’re packed.
  • We handle boxing with care, to avoid damaging merchandise and ensure a neat and inviting presentation of the contents, never simply tossed in with some filler.
  • We do a final “eyeball” double-check, to confirm each package is just right in every way before it leaves our facility.


An average fulfillment warehouse won’t invest the time or human resources in these little extras. Mistakes will happen, and the first person to know will be your customer. Oops, another failure. Unfortunately, the harsh reality of today’s marketplace is that customers are not forgiving. And the greater your brand’s reputation for quality, the greater the costs of failure. Expensive returns, lost sales, lost loyalty, diminished customer lifetime value.


Partnering with an exceptional fulfillment warehouse reverses all that, because high touch fulfillment consistently wows customers. That boosts average sale, purchasing frequency, and brand advocacy. Not only during the holidays, but all year long.



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