Categories: Fulfillment Services

Pick and Pack Fulfillment – Importance of Accuracy


Pick and Pack Fulfillment



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Importance of Pick and Pack Accuracy

Why is accuracy so important when it comes to pick and pack fulfillment? Let us count the ways.

Here are 4 ways accuracy (or the lack of it) can affect your brand and bottom line:

1. Make customers happy.

And yet all too often, pick and pack fulfillment winds up disappointing them instead. They receive the wrong items. Or only part of their order. How hard can this be? They wonder. When they don’t get what they expected, they spread the news. They want people to commiserate with them. And they want to warn their friends and followers about your company’s lousy service. You could lose business from people who haven’t even tried your products yet.


Thankfully, consistently accurate orders encourage customers to return the favor with positive reviews and social media posts. And thanks to your reliability, they’ll be back to buy again.

2. Avoid returns.

Returns can cut deeply into retailers’ profits. What if you could reduce your return rate by even a few percentage points? Your company could probably save thousands of dollars – or more – over the year. Plus, there’s another benefit. When you take pick and pack fulfillment mistakes out of the picture, the few returns you do see become more meaningful. Products are returned because they’re defective, ill-fitting or not as advertised. Or the packaging is prone to breakage or leaks.


You can fix these things – if you’re aware of them. Product and packaging improvements can virtually eliminate returns. And boost customer happiness. You can sell more and write off less.

3. Save money.

Waste is anathema in every industry. Faulty pick and pack fulfillment means the work has to be redone. More labor. More supplies. More time. But it’s not like you get twice the revenue. Lack of accuracy is a straight-up loser.


4. Mistakes beget more mistakes.

Inaccurate pick and pack creates inaccuracies up and down the entire fulfillment line. Customer care reps see wrong data regarding inventory availability, so they misinform customers. That generates more inaccurate orders. Or it infuriates customers who receive unexpected back-order notices instead of products.


Warehouse personnel also have inaccurate inventory data, so the entire picking process can be delayed or grind to a halt while someone tries to untangle this mess. Shipping is delayed. Now more customers are unhappy.


You shouldn’t have to worry about whether your outsourcing partner is capable of accurate pick and pack fulfillment. This should be a given. And it is among top fulfillment companies. Here at USA Fulfillment, for example, our internal performance standards for order accuracy (and speed, and other key metrics) are significantly higher than industry averages. We do that for one reason: accuracy matters, to our clients and to their customers.

Thinking of outsourcing your pick and pack fulfillment? Let’s talk!







Scott Miller

Published by
Scott Miller

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