Categories: Fulfillment Services

Pick and Pack Fulfillment- Why Timely Delivery Matters To Your Customers


Pick and Pack Fulfillment



Americans celebrate the year-end holidays by giving gifts. Whether it’s Easter, Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, these holidays have fixed dates shoppers have to keep in mind and believe me, they’re not thinking about your pick and pack partner. Unless their package arrives late!

A too-late gift is unthinkable – a let-down for your customer and for their intended recipient. Does your pick and pack fulfillment operation reliably meet their expectations of timeliness?


Timely delivery matters year round

Just because “the holidays” come to mind first when we think of gift-giving doesn’t mean year-end is the only time your customers care about when they receive their order. People give gifts throughout the year, to commemorate birthdays, graduations, weddings and other holidays such as Valentine’s Day. Your customers make purchases for themselves that are time-sensitive, too. A new dress for a hot first date. Apparel or gear or skin care and beauty products for an upcoming vacation.


Score Your Pick and Pack Efforts Now.


All of these occasions have one thing in common: a deadline date. What happens if your pick and pack fulfillment process can’t get their package delivered on time? Your customers are justifiably angry. You haven’t only disappointed them, you have inconvenienced them. Perhaps considerably. Why would they continue to do business with you?


You know they won’t. They’ll move right on to your competition without giving your brand another thought. Before they do that, though, they’ll be sure to post negative reviews and plenty of unflattering social media comments about their experience with your company. You’ll lose a lot more than that one customer’s business.


And here’s the thing: timely delivery matters for everyday orders, too.

So what if we don’t have a drop-dead date in mind when we shop online? There’s a delicious sense of anticipation every time your customers place an order. When will it get here? Will it be as wonderful as imagined? Waiting just kills us. We track packages to follow their progress. Where is it today? Will it arrive when promised? Oh, joy! It’s here early! Can’t wait to open it!


Pick and pack is a fundamental part of your fulfillment process. It may not be glamorous, but it’s critical to maintain your brand’s reputation and customer loyalty. So what does it take to ensure your customers always receive timely deliveries? More than pick and pack perfection. It takes a uniformly high touch approach that starts with the very first customer contact and puts each customer first every step of the way.


A high touch fulfillment company focuses on delivering a comprehensively fantastic customer experience. Packages not only arrive on time – or even earlier than expected – they are filled with exactly the right contents. And each package is a gift in itself – a presentation so unexpected, the simple act of opening it becomes an event. You have beautifully fulfilled your customer’s sense of anticipation.

Want to learn more? Let’s connect!

Scott Miller

Published by
Scott Miller

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