The Top 3 Ways Your Fulfillment Warehouse Is Getting In The Way Of Your Profit

Fulfillment Center

The Top 3 Ways Your Fulfillment Warehouse Is Getting In The Way Of Your Profit

Fulfillment Warehouse

What would you say – right now – if someone asked you to grade your fulfillment warehouseUh, well, hmmmm. That’s what a lot of people say. Maybe you, too. Whether your fulfillment process is an internal operation or you have outsourced to a third party logistics vendor, taking time to grade them forces you to honestly evaluate their performance.

But, let’s be honest, the real question is not how you would grade your fulfillment warehouse but how your customers would grade them. After all, if they aren’t earning high marks with your customers, they can’t possibly be doing an A+ job for your company.


Why they’re getting in the way

Maybe your internal operation is too close to you for you to really see the cracks in the foundation. Problems may be accumulating that you just can’t see.

Or, maybe, you’re outsourcing and you’re too disconnected from the actual operation to really see its flaws.

Outsourcing can be one of the greatest options out there, but only if you’ve chosen the right fulfillment warehouse partner. Otherwise, they’re going to make ample mistakes and get in the way of your profit.

Are you experiencing:

  • High turnover that virtually guarantees inconsistent customer service?
  • Inaccurate orders and slow delivery, both of which irritate customers?
  • Brand damage and significant out-of-pocket losses due to frequent returns?

If you can relate, it’s time to move on from your current fulfillment arrangement and start delivering quality with a high-touch fulfillment partner.


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The breakdown

The constant ebb and flow of employees leaving and new ones being hired leaves your company a mess. No one is there long enough to acquire the knowledge about your products that your customers want and need, and customer questions and concerns aren’t being taken care of accurately, efficiently, or professionally. That’s a problem.

The only way to achieve A+ with customers is to choose a fulfillment partner that can do it all, do it near-perfectly, and do it beautifully. Your customers have had it with lousy, inconsistent service and packages that arrive damaged or inaccurate. Disappointing experiences announce to customers that your brand doesn’t value them or stand for the highest quality services. That could have seriously unfortunate consequences.

Moreover, with an influx of wrong orders – damaged, inaccurate, late, etc. – you have and influx of products returns. That’s a loss for both you and your customers, but a mistake that can be avoided entirely.


The best fulfillment warehouse

The best fulfillment warehouse is the one with a high touch attitude and dedication to detail, along with a comprehensive list of warehousing, inventory management, pick and pack, and shipping services. It takes diligence and a commitment to continuous improvement. That’s a lot to ask, we know, but it can all be yours if you ask the right questions and choose the right partner.

Interested in learning more? Give us a call, we’d love to chat.