
USA Fulfillment Expands With An Additional Fulfillment Warehouse

Order Fulfillment

USA Fulfillment Expands With An Additional Fulfillment Warehouse

Fulfillment Warehouse

It makes perfect business sense to outsource your company’s fulfillment efforts, but it still feels scary. Who can you trust to have your back? A fulfillment warehouse has to do more than store your inventory and ship orders. They have to do it quickly and accurately. At least, they do if your brand is known for quality and attention to detail. Your customer relationships are on the line here.


End-user consumers or B2B customers, no one will stand for delays or mistakes these days. When the highest quality matters, you need a fulfillment warehouse that is unrelenting in its dedication to providing the highest quality customer care. The folks who handle back-end fulfillment may never speak to your customers, but they do have critical indirect contact with them through the orders they pack and ship. Accuracy, speed, and a beautifully-boxed order speak volumes.


At USA Fulfillment, we call that high touch. It’s how we do business, and how we are able to consistently exceed expectations of even the most discerning customers.


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Getting bigger to become even better

Delivering excellence is a process of continuous improvement. That’s why we expanded our warehouse and shipping capacity earlier this year. Our large-footprint B2B clients needed more from us – more space and more B2B-specific services – without losing any of our legendary high touch responsiveness. And we delivered, because that’s what we do.


One key to our efficient fulfillment service is our central East coast location. So our new facility is located in Dover, Delaware, just 40 minutes from our flagship operation in Chestertown, MD. We’ve added 25,000 square feet of warehouse/shipping space strictly to serve our B2B clients, and there’s more space waiting in the wings for further expansion.


All our operations function seamlessly and as needed, regardless of volume fluctuations. Unexpectedly high volumes? Never a problem. We have your back, because the inventory needed to quickly fill and ship those orders is right at hand.


We know you’re growing and have big plans to grow even more. It’s good to know you can partner with a fulfillment warehouse that has the capacity to serve you now and the ability to grow right along with you. Could USA Fulfillment be the right partner for your company? You won’t know until you contact us to discuss the possibilities.



Contact Us Now to Find Out If We’re the Right Fit For You!