Categories: Fulfillment Services

The ‘Golden Rule” For Your Customers Starts With Your Customer Fulfillment Center

The ‘Golden Rule” For Your Customers Starts With Your Customer Fulfillment Center


Why wait? Grade your current customer fulfillment center now.


Customer Fulfillment Center Best Practices

We all learned the Golden Rule when we were very young: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It is excellent advice, and it applies to everything in our lives, including business. So is your customer fulfillment center using the Golden Rule to drive their interactions with your customers?


Maybe not. But they should. (Use our handy needs assessment to find out.)

Why does this maxim apply to a customer fulfillment center?

You can’t have “customer care” without obvious caring. Today’s customers can see past marketing claims. They are plenty sharp enough to detect real concern and appreciation, as opposed to lip service, when ordering and receiving products. Today’s more sophisticated customers demand excellence and personalized service. They won’t stand for a lackluster, “whatever” attitude.


A customer fulfillment center that abides by the Golden Rule easily delivers the best, with every contact. How? They have:

  • A call center that is available 24/7, with US-based staff who are friendly and knowledgeable about your products to give personalized advice and make sales-boosting recommendations to customers.
  • A follow-through process from pick-and-pack to shipping that ensures fast, accurate order fulfillment. In fact, our USA Fulfillment team achieves 100% order accuracy and 99.92% inventory accuracy.
  • Attention to detail at every step, including packaging each order so it is a joy to receive and exciting to open.


Isn’t that what you would want as a customer?


The Golden Rule is all about high touch

At USA, we don’t think of it as going out of our way, we simply operate with a high touch business philosophy. We treat every one of your customers as if they are our customers because it’s the right thing to do. And because they are our customers. We put them first, so we can consistently deliver the kind of experience we all wish for.


When your customers get what they want – more than what they expected – your brand value goes up. Customer loyalty grows stronger. Sales increase, and customer lifetime value increases with it. That’s the bottom line we want for our company, so that’s what we deliver to you.


Sound good?
Let’s talk about how USA can become your Golden Rule customer fulfillment center.









Scott Miller

Published by
Scott Miller

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