Call Center

How to Choose an Inbound Call Center in 2018

How to Choose an Inbound Call Center in 2018

Inbound Call Center
Choose The Best Partner in 2018


So how was 2017 for your business? Was it better for your Inbound Call Center than it was for you? Did you end the year on a sales high? Or did you disappoint too many customers during the holiday rush, perhaps leaving them with a negative impression of your brand? Either way, economic indicators say we should be in for a solid new year. If you partner with the right inbound call center, your company will be poised to take full advantage.

Assess Your Current Inbound Call Center Process

More sales. Bigger sales. And brand loyalty so strong, your customers wouldn’t dream of looking elsewhere.


Can an inbound call center really do all that for your business? Yes. How can you find such an exceptional partner?


You have to be choosey. Very choosey.

When it comes to choosing an inbound call center partner, you need to be very choosey. Start by downloading our free e-book about how to select the best fulfillment partner. It’s filled with relevant, timely, and actionable recommendations on what to look for and how to evaluate prospective call centers.

You want a partner that makes you feel comfortable and confident. After all, you’re entrusting them with the “care and feeding” of your most valuable asset – your customers. But you also want a partner with the functional capabilities to efficiently, securely handle your merchandise.


Even though you have a good idea about your current fulfillment strengths and weaknesses, we recommending taking our self-assessment quiz. It will help keep you honest, and point up opportunities to boost the effectiveness of your ordering and customer service program. Opportunities you might never have considered, if you hadn’t studied our e-book.


What should you look for above all else? High touch.

“High touch” may sound like a marketing slogan, but here at USA Fulfillment it is our fundamental business philosophy. Since the day our company was founded as a very tiny enterprise – more than a generation ago – we have dedicated every action to giving our clients the very best.


We consider your customers to be our customers. We treat them the way each one of us wants to be treated – personally and considerately. Anyone who contacts our inbound call center can immediately experience that for themselves:

  • Their call will be answered in 20 seconds or less (well under industry average — no matter when they call, because we’re here for them every day, around the clock.
  • They’ll get to talk to a personable, US-based professional agent – someone who is not only nice but super-helpful, thanks to their extensive product training. If your customer needs recommendations or help choosing, we’re here for them in that way, too.
  • Their agent will have up-to-the-second information right at his or her fingertips regarding product availability and other ordering details. That’s why our order accuracy is 99.92%. And our return rate is miniscule.
  • And if your customer would rather talk via live chat or email, we’re poised to respond, just as quickly and efficiently.


High touch is a simple concept, yet very few fulfillment companies are willing to deliver that level of service. But isn’t that the kind of call center experience your customers deserve?

Contact USA Fulfillment Now To See If We’re A Good Fit For Each Other


Scott Miller

Published by
Scott Miller

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