Only A Few More Weeks Until The Holidays. Is Your Third Party Logistics Company Ready?

Efulfillment Companies

Only A Few More Weeks Until The Holidays. Is Your Third Party Logistics Company Ready?

Third Party

We’re through Black Friday, but the holiday season is still upon us. Hopefully you were able to deliver excellence to your customers during one of the biggest sales of the year…but hold tight, because the ride’s not over yet.

Just because Black Friday was a success (or maybe it wasn’t), doesn’t guarantee you’ll have the same success with your holiday shoppers. It’s vital to stay on top of things, because if your third party logistics partner drops the ball, your post-Thanksgiving sales could be ruined. Stick with us and we’ll let you in on a few secrets for how to be great this holiday season.


Every third-party screw-up reflects directly on your brand.

So take this seriously. Straight up, if your third party fulfillment partner doesn’t have your back every day of the year, then you chose wrong. Despite the holiday season being an important time of year for your sales, profits, and overall business, every order ultimately matters to your customers. So take care of them by choosing a partner that will give them everything they ask for…and more:


  1. Helpful customer service

It’s the holidays and order volume has increased. Thus, it only makes sense that your incoming customer service calls will increase right along with it. Customers have questions and concerns when it comes to the gifts that they’re giving this season, and they’re looking for advice from someone who knows your products inside and out. If your fulfillment partner can’t do that, it’s time to think again.


  1. Accuracy

With the technology our warehouses have got these days, there’s no excuse for your fulfillment partner to be delivering wrong orders. With professional employees who care enough to pay attention to detail, you’ll never experience back-end mistakes. Because when sloppy pick and pack processes happen and customer deliveries are broken and messy, your customers will rethink doing business with you again. You won’t ever have to worry about that with USA.


  1. Right on time

Late deliveries during the holiday season? Get outta here. Once you start delaying customer orders at this time of year, it’s game over. You lose all customer trust and loyalty. The products they ordered from your business were gifts for family and friends…gifts that won’t be there in time to give. At USA we’re proud of our speed; we’ll get those holiday orders to you right on time…and many times even before you’re expecting it.


Grade Your Current 3PL Partner Now


Got what it takes?

The question is: does your third party fulfillment partner have what it takes? If you’re skeptical or unsure, take our free needs assessment test we created just for you. With insight into your current efforts and your partners strengths and weaknesses, you’ll be ready to decide whether or not choosing a better fulfillment house is necessary for you.

Contact us to find out what it’s like to partner with a 3PL company that won’t fail you or your customers.



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