Top 3 Third Party Logistics Industry Trends Part 2

Third Party Logistics

Top 3 Third Party Logistics Industry Trends Part 2


Third Party Logistics

In our last blog, we introduced our three-part series on the top 3 third party logistics industry trends. Number one? The fact that customers are #1 — now more than ever. Give them a less-than-wow experience, and they’ll go scampering off to the competition. Every detail of your fulfillment directly affects their experience.


You’re smart to outsource 3PL activities so you can stay focused in-house on work that directly generates customers and revenue. However, the fact is that the right 3PL provider can not only relieve you of operational burdens, they can increase your sales and customer loyalty. But only if you have the right provider.

Trend #2: Partners, not vendors

Third party logistics is no longer about conserving resources by offloading work you don’t want to handle to the cheapest supplier. As long as you view your 3PL provider as just another vendor, you’ll never develop the kind of working relationship required to transform logistics into a sales and retention tool.


What’s the difference?


Assess Your Current 3PL Partner Now


Vendors fulfill SLAs, a partner has your back

Fulfillment is about orchestration. Everything has to come together smoothly and efficiently. Accurately. And quickly. But how your products are treated is just as important as how your customers as treated. That requires detailed attention to safety and security. Here at USA Fulfillment, our high touch approach to 3PL has you covered.


We’re ISO 9001:2008 certified and compliant. We’re FDA-registered as a Food Grade facility, which means we function at the highest levels when it comes to inventory management and product safety. And speaking of safety, our facilities are keycard-secure, with round-the-clock monitored video surveillance.


A 3PL partner looks beyond your back, too. They know your customers are their true customer. They go above and beyond at every step, from the call center to the package that’s delivered, because they have one goal: to impress you by amazing your customers. Are you amazing your customers now?


So far we’ve identified two of the top three 3PL industry trends. What’s the third? It’s the whole enchilada. Watch for our next article to learn more.



Contact Us Now To Find Out If We’re The Right Fit For You